Dump waveform in multiple files

Did you know ...

Say, you need to run a huge time consuming simulation that might dump an fsdb waveform with a “larger than disk” size, you have an option to let the simulator split it into multiple smaller sized files so that you can discard unwanted files if it doesn’t have what you are looking for.

$fsdbAutoSwitchDumpFile  – Automatically switch to a new dump file when the working FSDB file reaches the specified size limitation.

$fsdbAutoSwitchDumpfile(File_Size, “FSDB_name”, Number_of_Files [, log_filename]);

Example : 


This will dump maximum 20 files in 1GB increments with name SOC_fsdb_file



Debugging/Dumping Assertions in Verdi

Did you know ...

Debugging assertions can be painfully long and exhausting. Well, there’s an easier way to do that using Synopsys Verdi ( coz, I just found out how).

I’ll leave it upto you to find out where vericom is. It’s usually under springsoft-verdi folder in the installation directory.

vericom -sv +ignorefileext+vhd -assert svaext -useius -syntaxerrormax 2000 -top -f <fileList>

Make sure that it contains the code for assertions as well. Once it compiles, you’ll find a new folder “worklib++” in the current directory.

verdi -nologo -sv -lib work -vtop “<module_name>=<top_name>.<module_name>”

Verdi will launch, load an FSDB waveform dump, and go to

Tools > Property Tools > Statistics.

This will open up a window and show how many assertions passed/failed. Right click on one of the “Fails” and “Add to Details“. Open up the hierarchy and right click to see “Analyze Property“. Then Verdi will start analyzing the properties in the Analyzer window and you’ll get to see the values of local variables used in your assertions.

TIP : You can add the assertions to your waveform, right-click it and select “Show Driver/Load Signals > Driver Signals” and it will pull out all the signals that affect the value of the assertion. You can also middle click the assertion and pull it into the source tab and Verdi will find the assertion in the source code. You can also see the current values of the variables beside the code by enabling Source > Active Annotation and Source > Parameter Annotation.

To dump assertions in ncsim, use fsdbDumpSVA ().